Monday, December 25, 2017

Christmas Crows in Issaquah

It's almost alliterative, Christmas Crows in Issaquah, but that's the best I can do! I'm snowed in at a hotel in Issaquah, Washington, and these American Crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos) were the first birds we could see this morning. The Crow (making its first appearance today on this blog!) is ubiquitous across the United States and Canada.
The crows are intelligent and resourceful, and I have little doubt that they will take over after humans annihilate themselves. I wish them well!

From all of us at Geotripper's California Birds, we wish you a happy holiday, a merry Christmas, and a wonderful new year!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you got stuck in my town! At least our crows are entertaining. Love your blog.
