Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Yellow Warbler (and a Western Tanager) on the Tuolumne River

A couple of weeks ago I saw a Yellow Warbler (Setophaga petechia) for the first time, and posted a fuzzy picture. I said I'd work harder to get a less fuzzy photograph next time around, and that finally happened today. It's only one photograph, because the bird perched above me for only the most fleeting of moments, but that's what you get sometimes. I was on my normal walk on the Tuolumne Parkway Trail in Waterford.
The one I still need to work on is the Western Tanager (Piranga ludoviciana). In that same post a few weeks ago, I had a very poor shot of a Tanager along the same section of trail, and I saw one again about a week ago. Unfortunately it was almost completely silhouetted in the shadows, and I had to really work the contrast to bring out the colors of the bird (above). The image is sharper, but I'm still not happy yet. I guess I'll just have to keep walking...

Update 5/22/18: I'm pretty sure that's not a Yellow Warbler at the top, but I don't know exactly what it is: an Oriole? A female Tanager? Some help would be appreciated!

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